If all 365 days of the year were like today, what a wonderful country we would have! Alas, thats why our season runs from May- September, yet the fringe months either side can produce magnificent weather.
I played the Old on March 1st, and caught the sun, 9 days later, we saw another 2 days of snow!
Crail is one of the many superb courses in the St. Andrews area. That's what our company take pride in, we promote what we know, we want groups/ clubs or societies to STAY in St. Andrews and experience the delights this region, the region that is the home of golf
If you want to go elsewhere we will just suggest you go to our travel partner Wullie Duff, from Duffers Golf Tours who's expertise is Scotland and Ireland...
We will be doing full reviews, and interviews in the coming weeks, so stay tuned!!
Have a great weekend golfing!
Steve Cooke
Managing Director.
St. Andrews Golf Groups.
134 South Street.
St. Andrews. KY15 7BA
Telephone +44 1337 858888
email - golfgroups@aol.com
Website . www.golfgroups.org
Facebook - www.facebook.com/golfgroups
Twitter - www.twitter.com/golfgroups
''Proud members of St. Andrews Merchants' Association & IAGTO''

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