It all started about 2 years ago when I received a call to see if I could cater for 350 or so golfers!
I've said it before, and no doubt I will say it again....
This has been all about teamwork
I'll start off with my mates Robbie Harrison and John Lambton spending hours putting golf courses into our database to boost our rankings in Google (shameless!) but that's whats allowed us to cut back on costs, we didn't have the budget some of these 'super golf tour ops' seem to have, more than likely because they like to charge ridiculous amount of money.... if people want to throw away silly amounts of money to see a plastic version of Scotland, then feel free! For those that want value for money then contact us at
Robbie has become the Sales and Marketing Manager and is enjoying learning the industry with each passing week, a more honest guy you are not likely to meet
Without the help of David Morris from the Society of Liverpool Golf Captains, and his team including Eddy Hampson, Dennis Boardman and Derek, with some cameo players in between, this would have been a very difficult job to organise, they have been a pleasure to work with, although at the beginning, we realised it was going to be quite a task organising something as massive as this event
I'm going to mention this here, David Morris has been to St. Andrews about 10 times in the past 2 years, working directly with me, sometimes he's travelled from Liverpool and not even brought his clubs to the home of golf!
He stayed in the Russell Hotel several times, and did a couple of trial stays in the David Russell Apartments! Basically, David has spent a small fortune as have others making this happen for over 300 Captains and Past Captains, if David ever walks into one of the 26 other clubs in the Society, I'd suggest they have a beer waiting for him, or I'll stand the drop of York!!
Another strange twist of fate has come in the form of Mr Campbell Savage, who I kind of met all at once in several ways!
He is the Junior Convener at Ladybank, and is doing a terrific job, always with a smile, and always got time for the kids, the next generation of the game, something myself and Lorna Henry hoped to achieve at Falkland Golf Club during my eventful reign as Captain last year, alas. due to draconian attitudes by a select few on the Committee, this will see the Club eventually fold, as the next generation of golfers get restricted beyond belief and got a bit annoyed with the whole state of affairs, its a vicious circle that needs repairing before the disease becomes terminal
Well done Ladybank, take heed Falkland Golf Club! Its not rocket science and everyone is allowed to have an idea and move with the times, its not something exclusive for other people!
Campbell also happened to be a very good friend of David Morris's, when this is all over, I'm hoping that the 3 of us and Robbie can have an evening in Campbell's back garden, chimenea going strong, and the odd mixture with Pimms! Not an occasion for the faint hearted
Campbell is also in charge of taking the photograph outside the Royal and Ancient on the Weds evening, still trying to find him a megaphone, as the police don't have one, I'm sure the Society must have some former Generals who could do the job without the use of a megaphoneMy good mate Bill Murray from Mac Mur Tours must also get a mention, not only a professional, but a damned good bloke, who leaves his mark on all those people he meets, and are fortunate enough to meet him, he knows me well enough to know that this is sincere. hey Bill look what I managed to get for you thanks to my friend Alan Pryke
Alan Pryke, well actually, Alan's going to get a whole page of his own sometime soon! The words Thank You don't do this gentleman and multi talented man any justice!
A few thank you's to:
The staff at the University have been excellent, the Golf Courses and their staff have been accommodating and polite, special mention to Sandy Smith Golf Professional at Ladybank
There have been so many people we have dealt with over the duration of the build up to this event, Scotia Carts, the catering staff at each club, stagecoach, Margaret Mackie at the St. Andrews Citizen, Levenmouth Printers, Kate Hughes from Fife Council, Provost of Fife, Cllr Frances Melville and her staff. My staff at the Barber's Pole, Jo, Marie, Christina and Allison.
Tracy Logan from Visit Scotland, Iain and John from Blue Crags
The staff at the Old Course Hotel, Resort & Spa and the Dukes deserve mention. Jason Schelenberg helped me with the BIG bits of the event right at the start, and it was quite good fun negotiating the contract. I've pretty much dealt with Phyllis Wilkie hands on since the contract was signed and understood, again its been an excellent learning curve for all concerned! Lisa Parker, Clare Cochran, and Richard Ellison have been introduced to us over time as we are putting the garnish on the event. Ron the Professional at the Dukes and his staff who are always helpful. Martin in the kitchen at the Dukes, Alan McColm always helpful
Last but not least, my wife who has put up with me and been very supportive over the years I've been looking forward to getting involved with something as grand as this
I'm chuffed to bits chuck, as Cilla would say.... to be sitting on the top table with some very accomplished people is the icing on the cake for me
one last thing.... please please please rain gods, no crappy weather between 17th and 20th August!
Steve Cooke. MD
St. Andrews Golf Vacations
134 South Street.
St. Andrews.
KY16 9EQ
Scotland. UK
W :
E :
T : +44 1337 858888
M : +44 7968034414
1 comment:
I'm chuffed to bits chuck, as Cilla would say.... to be sitting on the top table with some very accomplished people is the icing on the cake for me
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