The intention of this blog is to show you a little more about Golf in Scotland, an insight into the Golf Tourism Business, golf course, accommodations and Charity Golf events amongst other things
Why St Andrews? why Scotland? why promote this place at all?
Many people look at
St Andrews in various ways, I'll explain to you what
St Andrews means to me
In the late 70's, as a Golf enthusiast, my parents used to enjoys holidays/ vacations in various parts of Scotland.
We went to
Tain once, where my good friend Iain Mcleod has since won plaudits worldwide for his fine work, and even won Greenkeeper of the Year a few years ago
Another place we visited 3-4 times was Blairgowrie, home of one of the most peaceful golf courses I know, and the highlight of the week was always a round on Rosemount.
There was also a little hidden beauty there called the 'Wee Course' , a must play if you want to play a wonderful 9 hole course, and at that time they built the 'Landsdown course' another 18 hole gem
However, we seemed to more often than not stay in
St Andrews, mainly at the several self catering/ renting places in town
I bought a junior weekly pass to play the Eden, New and Jubilee 'unlimited' and always had enough to get onto the sacred turf of the 'Old Course' at the end of the week
St Andrews was a place I fell in love with from day 1
Joining the RAF in 1983, made my posting choice obvious, RAF Leuchars, which is 6 miles away from St Andrews and over the Eden Estuary. Chances for cheap golf on the Links and membership of St Andrews !
Most of my time in the RAF was spent at Leuchars
After 12 years service, in 1995, I left the RAF (thanks to Margaret Thatchers 'option for change' streamlining of the forces)
It was then I created the Barbers Pole, which gives away a 'free nip of whisky' with every haircut!
The shop raises an incredible amount for Charity through various events and fundraising
My long term staff - Jo, Marie, Christina and Allison deserve special mention
In 1996 I was invited to become an executive of St Andrews Merchants Association
In 2004 St Andrews Golf Vacations was thought up, catering for all types of Golfer, offering affordable Golf Tours, and the Golf experience of a lifetime
In 2005 we visited all major Golf Courses and Accommodations and had our first group of customers through
2006 was a proud moment, after a wee adventure in the Tamil areas of Sri Lanka helping Tsunami Victims I was invited to join St Andrews Kilrymont Rotary Club
that's enough about me, now onto a little what we hope to achieve with this blog
We'll be playing a lot of the local Courses and doing online Golf Course Guides (this job sucks!)with pictures in the next few weeks
Starting off at the world famous Carnoustie Golf Links which is home to 3 golf courses, not forgetting the small fact that it home to the British Open in 2007
Thanks must go to Colin McLeod for arranging for myself and Graham Murray to play the courses and do online guides, including one early Sunday morning when we took over the 18th fairway and recreated some famous Golf moments !
Anyone who is interested in playing at
Carnoustie Golf Links please contact us,
You may know a group of golfers who may want to book an event?
have transportation arranged
accommodation and everything else that is required
2006 alone has seen us welcome guests who have had 30th, 40th birthdays, a Silver wedding anniversary, and all tend to choose a meal from one of the worlds best Indian/ Bangladeshi restaurants -
The Balaka of St AndrewsI'll be personally visiting the Royal and Ancient
St Andrews and the newly refurbished Old Course Hotel and will give the latest updates from both
Many thanks for taking time to read this, and if you are planning a trip to Scotland, please get in touch !
Kind regards
Steve Cooke MD
St Andrews Golf Vacations